Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well the plan for the weekend was to go to Paris to meet some friends but that quickly changed. Vittoria said she was flying to San Francisco out of Madrid and that she wished I could come visit. I found a relatively cheap plane ticket and two days later I was in Spain. The weekend was amazing and I have included some pics from the trip as well as one from dinner at the Czech Ambassador to NATO's house (very nice place). There were many highlights (my email gets more into those) of the trip but one of the funniest things had to be what happened Saturday morning. Vittoria and I were walking down the street and I said, "oh look a bike race." The street was blocked off and about 200 cyclists were coming up it. We got a little closer and Vittoria said, "oh I think they are naked." Sure enough, 200 COMPLETELY nude people riding up the middle of the busy street in the center of Madrid. I could not stop laughing. I have seen some nudes on beaches before but never in the middle of the city riding bikes. The sad part was that when we saw them they were riding up a hill and a couple girls had fallen behind the group and the police escort because they couldn't get their bikes up the hill. It had to be extremely embarrassing. About an hour later we were in a restaurant and I heard music in the street and turned to see the convoy of naked cyclists cruising by.
Saturday night Vittoria and I spent the night in the airport on the cold hard ground trying to use my backpack as a pillow. Needless to say we did not get much sleep. The trip was perfect and while we were there she got an email from New York Bank, Brussels Branch informing her that she was accepted for their internship. So in three weeks she flies back from San Francisco to Brussels. We are both really excited to be able to spend the rest of the summer together.
Well like I said I wrote a much longer email already and if you would like to receive it and didn't then just send me your email address to

Hope you are all having a great summer!

1 comment:

DeAnn said...

That's a pretty big smile on your face!