Friday, January 23, 2009

For those of you who don't know, Linden and I thought we'd join in the fun and have a baby. I'm really excited and really sick, but "that's a good sign" (That's what the doctor says anyway). I am due September 3, 2009, so that makes me 8 weeks and 1 day pregnant.


Laurel said...

Yay!!!! We are so excited for another cousin. Love you and hope you get well soon. I know it can't come quickly enough. We are thinking about you often and pray for your patience and strength through the sickness.

Sarah C said...

HOllA! That is a GREAT due date! Congrats.

Faeth said...

Nice work!!! We love to have more babies and can't wait to meet the little guy or gal!!

Mama Wisch said...

Horray for more babies!! Congrats April and Linden! I hope you start to feel better soon. Unisom and B6 has really helped me..but I am sure that you have already tried that... good luck!

Gabriel said...

Congratulations! There are all kinds of babies happening -- it's really awesome. All the best!