Friday, March 13, 2009

I don't know who runs this blog, but Cade says he doesn't know how to find it. I can give him the blog address, but does he have to be invited to join so that he can post? If so, how does that happen?

Also, did we come up with a where and when for the fam reunion?


DeAnn said...

Cade can add comments but not post until he is invited. I will try to do that and if I can't figure it out I'll have Laurel do it. As for the reunion, I thought it was in June at Bear Lake but I haven't heard for sure.

Laurel said...

What!!! I am so coming to family reunion, so plan on me giving birth there. I don't want to miss it. I miss everything. YEah I know I'm throwing a major fit, but I hate living so FAR AWAY! I HATE HOUSTON.

Laurel said...
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