Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aunt Bonnie and I tok it upon ourselves to make some assignments for the fam reunion. We haven't called anyone, so if you have an objection to your assignment or wish to add or make any changes, please let me know. Also, let me know if you accept your assignment.

For Friday night, we thought since everyone will be arriving at different times, each fam can be in charge of feeding themselves that night. We would like to suggest, though, that if Aunt Maureen is coming, she could bring a snack for that night, such as crackers and cheese, or chips and dips and fruit and veggies or what ever she would choose.

We decided it was too hard to try to fit in three meals on Saturday last year, so we think a brunch and a dinner should suffice.

Brunch on Saturday would be assigned to DeAnn's fam.

Dinner on Saturday would be assigned to Bonnie's fam.

Brunch on Sunday would be assigned to Debbie and Grandpa's fam.

Each family would supply the paper products for the meal they are in charge of.

Also, everyone should bring a snack to share. This would be the younger members of the families, meaning the grandchildren of Grandpa Jim.

Since the Alders and the Rasmussens are providing the venue, they are off the hook for providing a meal.

We wondered if DeAnn and/or Sarah would consider being in charge of a craft perhaps using their stampin up stuff. Cards, or picture frames, or whatever else you might come up with. If you don't want to mess with it or if it stresses you out to think about it, please say, because we don't want to make you feel like you have to do it. Just an idea.

Will Grandpa Jim be in charge of Sunday morning meeting, like last year?

That's all for now. Please add any ideas you might have or if there is anything you're not happy with, please post it.

I'm looking forward to the reunion again this year and I hope everyone else is too.
Thank you Alders!!

ONE LAST THING: Please post how many you expect to have at the reunion so we will know what to plan for food. I know this will likely change and we can get a better count when we get closer.


Laurel said...

Sounds like fun. Will someone be like Scott (Nick's dad) and record the fun things so that we can participate from a distance. We would love to have the Sunday meeting with grandpa. You don't have to do it, but it sure would be nice. Love you all and have fun.

Erin said...

Trevor, Jason, and I are coming. I will bring Chocolate Caramel Bars.

Linden and April said...

Linden and I will be coming. I don't know what I will bring, but I will come up with something GLORIOUS! Since I have to eat all day, maybe I'll come up with a few glorious things! :)

Sarah C said...

Noah and I are very excited to attend. I would love to get together with De-Aunt-Ann and come up with some sort of craft. I will bring something fattening and delicious!

Sarah C said...

I would like to suggest we play BUNCO as well

DeAnn said...

Russ and I will be coming. Bunko sounds fun too.

Faeth said...

I don't know how to play Bunco but I am always willing to learn. The Alder/Rasmussen's will be 4, but Henry is eating for 3 these days. em will be out of the country and Josh won't be able to make it this year either. I will bring snacks for sure. I will also try to get the bugs cleaned out of the lamp shades. I know Aunt Bonnie hates them.

Gabriel said...

Gabe's coming for sure! I'll be happy to help Mom and Dad with their dinner assignment, but I'll also plan on bringing some snacks. If Maureen's not coming, someone let me know and I'll fill her snack assignment for Friday night.

I played Bunco once and remember that it was a lot of fun. Maybe Sarah or DeAnn could post the rules, how to play, and what we need. I sort of remember several tables and lots of chairs being involved? Maybe some prizes, as well?

Laurel said...

This is not relating to the family reunion, but how long will Aunt Bonnie be here in Houston for the birth of baby Wisch? I would love to hang out and give her tips on driving here. It's really not that bad. And if I can do it anyone can. I wouldn't drive in North Dakota because I didn't know how to drive a stick, and I'm doing it here. Just let me know dates. I won't be working anymore and so I will have a lot of free time.

Erin said...

Sarah, am I the "something fattening and delicious" that you are bringing? I fit that description!

Mama Wisch said...

Laurel... Bonnnie will be in Houston starting July 8th-Aug 2nd! She'll have plenty O'time to hang out and learn the ins and outs of Houston!!