Monday, May 25, 2009

It sounds like several people would like to do a bunko game at the reunion. It will be fun, so just get onboard, everyone. It will require each participant to bring an item to pass around as prizes. The items are to be UNDER $10.00. That doesn't mean they have to be $10.00. UNDER $10.00 We don't want the cost of the prizes to be a deal breaker for anyone. It's just for fun, folks. Comments, please.

Also, Grandpa is providing the paper plates and plastic silverware for all meals. We will need to bring cups for the meals we are in charge of.

If anyone has anymore comments or info to add, please do so.


DeAnn said...

We're on board for bunko. Do we have enough dice?

DeAnn said...
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Erin said...

I wish someone would bring back the Girdle. That was super fun.

DeAnn said...

I don't want no stinking girdle!

Erin said...

What? Why? I'm talking about that super fun stretchy black thing that we used at Cove Fort. The thing that flung people back and forth (Is "flung" a word?). Not an actual girdle to wear under my clothes.

Debra Morris said...

Someone would have to make a girdle. Anyone want that job? DeAnn, thank you for mentioning the dice. I hadn't thought that far ahead. If you have enough dice, would you please bring them? Let me know if you don't have enough dice.

DeAnn said...

Oh that girdle. Does anyone know where it is? I'll count my dice, I may have enough.

DeAnn said...

I have 14 dice. How many people will be playing?

Debra Morris said...

Seems like there will be 20 to 25 adults. I think. So, four to a table, makes 5 to 6 tables. So, 15 to 18 dice. Right? Bring all your dice, DeAnn, and I think I have enough to make up the difference.

DeAnn said...
