Saturday, December 31, 2011

Such a Beautiful Day

I know I've probably bored everyone to death with talk of the beautiful weather in the winter here in Presidio, but I have to do it at least this one more time (probably will do it again sometime). Here it is New Year's Eve . . . I'm used to being at least half frozen on New Year's Eve. Today the sun is shining (as it does 99% of the time here). We just got back from the Post Office. I am wearing shorts and a short-sleeved t-shirt, tennis shoes and socks, but I could be wearing sandals, and no jacket.  It was warm enough in the house that I have opened the windows to let the fresh air in. I know when summer comes we will be roasting in the 115 degree heat, but right now, we are loving this. Thank you all for letting me brag a bit.


Laurel said...

sounds glorious. we've had a nice winter here too. glad you are enjoying it there. what a blessing.

Hayley and Zachary said...

Wow mom! Sounds amazing, I am jealous, especially combined with the fact you have weird "pig" like creatures running around. I would dare call it, Paradise!?