Friday, August 8, 2008


So, I just thought I would update everyone on the progress of baby things. I am currently 14 (almost 15) weeks pregnant. Yay, second trimester! At my appointment last month I was able to see the baby wiggle. I am still feeling pretty sick (I really hope it will let up soon), but my energy level has definitely improved. Next month, we will hopefully be able to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Yay!

Well anyways, I am including a picture from a little fishing trip that Trevor and I went on. I caught this tiny fish and Trevor thought it would be fun to take a picture of me. Well, needless to say, the stupid thing would not stop flipping around. Every time it would flip around, I would squeal and drop the fish. This picture was taken very quickly. As you can see by my face, I was very frightened. Ewwww! (I refuse to bait my hook, touch the fish, and clean the fish. Its a good thing my husband will do it.)


Laurel said...

Yay for second trimesters. Hope you get feeling better soon. Love you and can't wait to see the baby!!!

DeAnn said...

You sound like me and fishing. I don't even like to eat it either. Glad you're feeling somewhat better. Let us know what your baby is as soon as you find out.

Gabriel said...
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Debra Morris said...

Poor Erin. She inherited my "eeewww" gene. I like to eat fish, but I like them filleted (I guess that's how you spell it) and on my plate, ready to eat.