Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well I have been keeping a close eye on all the news stations and newspapers as well. The NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board)has been investigating this crash from the start. My mom said they came and briefed the office on their initial preliminary findings. She said that they probably won't have conclusive facts for about eight months or so. This has been a horrible tragedy, but one that has brought the whole community together. My mom said that the NTSB said they were so impressed by the whole community's outpouring of love and support to the families. It is so nice to hear that everyone is doing their part to make the lives of the families who lost loved ones a little easier during this hard time. I have been keeping a close eye on the blogs as well. What a wonderful blessing this gospel is. The faith that sustains families during hard times is wonderful. I have read about the increase in faith and understanding and it has strengthened my testimony as well. Most of the funerals are this week, so it will be a busy one for my mom as well. She says she is doing fine, just trying to help Dr. Colbert (the last provider in the office) get everything organized and put together so they can continue to see patients. My mom is such a strength to me and I admire her faith and endurance through all of this. Well if you have more questions you can probably call my mom and ask. Love you and hope all is well with you.

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

Thanks for the update Laurel. It was great to chat with you yesterday.