Monday, March 24, 2008

Family Reunion: Update

Hello All-
So, I hope that no one has taken time off work yet or booked plane tickets for the family reunion. Unfortunately, we are going to have to push the date back one week. Scott has a river trip that he goes on every year and we just found out that the dates coincide with the reunion. The dates for the next weekend will be June 27-29. If a different date works better, please let me know. I am really sorry to have to do this, but I really want Scott to be there since he knows how to make everything up there work! Let me know what you all think, OK. Oh, and on a different note, we found out that we are going to have a boy! We are really excited and can't wait for our new addition!
Love to all!


Laurel said...

Congratulations on the good news. We haven't booked plane tickets yet, but just let us know. I can stay as long as I need to. :)

DeAnn said...

Congratulations on your baby boy that is so exciting. That date sounds good to me for the reunion as far as I know.

Erin said...

Well, I guess I can't come. I was sooooo looking forward to it.