Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family Visit

Great Weekend!! Last weekend Dale and I had some great company! Sarah and Noah had flown to Houston and spent two days there with the Staples family. Then, Nick and Laurel and family brought them up to Denton to visit. We had a great time. We went to the rodeo at the Ft Worth Stockyards. Visited on Sunday. Dale made his famous chili and we had valentine heart cookies for desert. Dale's daughter, Heather and husband Michael and family came over on Sunday, too.
On Monday, Dale and I took Noah to the zoo. We weren't prepared for the whirlwind tour of the zoo that Noah took us on. He started out at the front gate and we were on a dead run all the way through the zoo. Not sure if Noah saw any animals or not. Grandparents got our exercise that day. I told Noah he needed to slow down because he was wearing us out. He said it's because we are kind of old. So, yeah, that was awesome! Noah got a cowboy hat and a gun at the stockyards so he could be a real Texas cowboy. I, of course, didn't get any pictures. Sarah did get some so I am hoping she will post a few on this blog or on her personal blog. Watch for updates. Thanks to Laurel, Nick, Sydney and Sawyer, Sarah and Noah for a wonderful time. Ya'all come back now!! Open invitation for any and all visitors to Texas to come stay with us.


Gabriel said...

Little Bee... sounds like a great time was had by all. What a great thing to be able to be with family... speaking of, Tyler and I got to spend this past Tuesday together. We went to Disneyland! It was so much fun! I don't think we got any really good pictures either. But we enjoyed ourselves, a couple good sandwiches, a roller coaster, lots of bottled water, a churro, a roller coaster, a tower of terror, a roller coaster, a toy story 3-D ride, a roller coaster, a Soarin' over California, a roller coaster, another tower of terror, some really good pizza... and a quick dash to the Pirates of the Caribbean. It was great!

Debra Morris said...

Hi Gabe,
Tyler sent me a picture by telephone of the two of you on that roller coaster. It looked like you were having a great time. One bonus of having family spread all over the country is that wherever you are, there's a good chance you could find a family member somewhere close-by. I'm hoping Ben and Allison will take the invitation personally and find their way up here sometime soon.

Laurel said...

We had a great time too. Thanks for the hospitality. I know Allison wants to come up. It's not a bad drive, so we'll have to come up more often, and we really really like it there. It's how Texas should be.

DeAnn said...

Sydney loved the rodeo. She thinks the cowboys and cowgirls are great.