Monday, February 25, 2008

My Bro Hyrum!

Greetings from Venice Beach!  I hope that everyone is happy and healthy.  With Hyrum's MTC date quickly approaching I just wanted to say a few things about him.  I am so proud of Hyrum and the man that he's becoming.  He's 19 years old and has already accomplished so much.  Two time Student Body President, Lead singer of "Chess Club Dropouts", Choir and Musical Theatre Phenom (currently he's in South Pacific), Eagle Scout... Hyrum is a graduate of both Basic and Advanced Training for the US Army.  Before Hyrum left to go to Basic, he knew how important it was to be physically fit, so he began training himself, running and exercising. While at Basic Training he was a part of the Elite Running Group, he would lead off running everyday.  Also, because of his Eagle Scout Award, Hyrum entered the Military a rank higher then others. Hyrum has been able to do some traveling, which I know he really loves.  He's visited me in both New York City and down here in LA.  Last month he spent a week in Hawaii, which I know he really enjoyed.  Hyrum has always been an outstanding young man, Everyone Loves Hyrum
 --Everyone -- All the kids at school, his teachers, everyone at church and in the community... Hyrum is the person that has completed our family.  When we were little, Jess, Ben, James and I begged my parents to have Hyrum.  Hyrum has so many dreams and things that he wants to accomplish in life.  It's been so wonderful to talk with him about these things.  I've always said that I'm supposed to tred the way through this chaos of an Actors life, so that it will be easier for Hyrum to do.  The rest of you probably don't know that Hyrum is quite a film buff.  He and Mom used to have Hitchcock movie marathons.  Hyrum also was very moved by "Band of Brothers" and I know that those films were a huge influence in his decision to join the service. One of my favorite memories of Hyrum was watching him create his own movies with our ancient video camera and all of his little Playmobil/Lego guys.  Hyrum is destined for great things and I know that the people in his mission and the other missionaries will be greatly blessed by being able to Serve with Him and Know Him and Have Him in their lives.  I love you Spud!! 
Hyrum's phone number is 406.381.5186


Laurel said...

Oh we do love Spud. I can't believe that the youngest of us grandbabies is old enough to go on a mission. It seems like yesterday that we were doing silly things like putting on a circus, or making up dance routines in front yards in mine and April's dance costumes. I can't believe that we are all grown up. I love all of you and am so glad that we have this opportunity to share and express our love towards one another. Good luck Hymer!!!

DeAnn said...

What a nice tribute! So what's your favorite Hitchcock movie?

Gabriel said...

My favorite Hitchcock flick is "Psycho"!! I remember watching it when I was younger and being really paranoid that someone was going to make me drink arsenic laden lemonade! Creepy!

DeAnn said...

Laurel and I keep saying we want to rent "The Birds" but haven't done it yet. I remember watching it a long time ago and being scared but can't remember much more about it than that.