Friday, February 22, 2008

Okay, Family, This is a great idea and it looks like it will work alot better than the other one. The main problem is the learning curve for us old-timers. I've never blogged before and it's a bit confusing to me when you have several different strings of conversation going, but I might figure it out eventually.

Congratulations to Hyrum on nearing the MTC date!!! Very exciting.

Just so everyone will feel sorry for me . . . I've had to scrape my windshield almost every morning for the month of January. I haven't had a window scraper, so I've been using a credit card and it's almost worn out!! I almost broke down and bought one, but now I don't need it anymore. . . unless I decide to go up north where all you other poor folks have been slogging through snow all winter. . . . I can't say that I've missed it. No, not one little bit.


Laurel said...

Aunt Debbie, I haven't gotten a scraper all winter either with the knowledge that Houston wouldn't need it either so I was using a cd case that snapped in half one morning. But Houston is beautiful and I'm glad I'm not in the snow anymore either, but I do feel for you. Moving somewhere warm and then having a cold winter. Well love you, and blogging is easy. I'm glad people are liking it.

DeAnn said...

I do feel sorry for you. The weekend we spent in St. George there was more snow than Cedar City.

Faeth said...

Please!!! I still have two feet of snow in my back yard and it has been raining for three days. I'll be ready to lay out when it hits 50!!